1 September 2018

Father`s Ludwik Mycielski jubilee of monastic vows

[Absence de la version française] On 14th of October 2018 father Ludwik Mycielski from the Priory of Annunciation at Biskupów, Poland, will celebrate his 70th anniversary of monastic vows. By this chance brethren form the St. Peter and Paul Abbey in Tyniec, have invited father Ludwik to celebrate this event in his mother cloister. On this very day will take place the Holy Mass with an afterwards meeting. Father Ludwik took his first vows in on 14th October 1958 in Tyniec, and after thirty years of monastic life he founded a new Benedictine house in Biskupów in the region of Opolian Silesia. Two years ago, on the Divine Mercy Sunday, 3rd of April 2016, father Ludwik celebrated 50th anniversary of his priest ordination (see photo).

Michał Dragan OSB

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