8 April 2018

Solemn Profession in Biskupów

[Absence de la version française] On 8th of April 2018, Divine Mercy Sunday, brother Karol Szerszeń took his solemn vows in the Cloister of Annunciation, Biskupów, Poland. The solemn vows were taken before brother Justyn Pałgan, the Prior Administrator of the community of Biskupów. Brother Karol born in Gdynia, joined our Community in January 2012. In the cloister he takes care about the garden and maintenance of the houses. He also studies church music, organ specialisation, at the Diocesan Institute of Church Music in Opole and serves in the local parish as organist. The ceremony has been attended by the families of brethren and many friends of the cloister. After the Holy Mass all the guests and brethren met for the common meal. The events like vows or priest ordination are in Biskupów traditionally accompanied by humorous performance relating to the life and talents of the brother celebrating his most important day of life. The performance has been given by brethren and friends of brother Karol at this very day as well.

As his creed for the monastic life brother Karol took the words from the letter to Philippians: "I may win Christ (…) I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus" (Phi 3,8.12) and the pictures of Jesus Merciful and crucified Jesus embraced by the most beloved disciple.

Michał Dragan OSB

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